Seeds too hot?

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Seeds too hot?

Post by Stijnvanhussen »

I am growing cacti from seeds for the first time and in my small room the best light is on the windowsill, however, my radiator is directly below the ledge I want to put my seeds on. The window faces west and has a little direct sunlight so I thought this would be the best spot. Is the radiator a problem? Can the germination process be hurt by the heat?
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Re: Seeds too hot?

Post by Aiko »

Most seeds like it warm, depending on the species you sow some even warmer than you would like the room to be. So your heat will not bother cactus seeds. It could result in poor germination for species that like it cool, like Haworthia or basically any mesemb. But I guess you only have cacti?

A bit more problematic for you might be that many seeds like to have different day and night temperatures. So best would be warm during the day and cool (or cold) at night. So very generalised, during the day 25C and at night 10C would be very okay for many species. But I am sure you will not meet these temperatures inside. I really don't know well if a constant temperature of, say 16-20C will result in good germination. But others can be more helpful on this.

I always sow in a greenhouse in spring, so when the sun shines it gets warm very fast, and in the spring night it can get cold in the greenhouse as I like to keep many windows open for fresh cool air. Works like a charm for me.
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