Should I protect a few of my plants from the rain?

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cacti and cacti not
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Should I protect a few of my plants from the rain?

Post by cacti and cacti not »

This week, starting Tuesday, cool weather and rain is coming. Highs are forecasted to be upper 60s to low 70s. Lowa are predicted to be in the 50s. Rain is forecasted to occur this Wednesday, as well as early next week. My plants haven't been watered in a week, so most probably will be fine outdoors. I do, however, have a few more tropical or potentially sensitive plants or concern plants that I am unsure about leaving in the rain. Here are the plants I have questions about:
1. Dorstenia foetida
2. Dorstenia zanzibarica
3. Monadenium magnificum
4. Gerrardanthus lobatus
5. Adenia glauca
6. Jatropha podagrica
7. Jatropha cordata
8. Matucana sp. (aurieflora, madisiniorum, polziii)
9. Euphorbia neohumbertii
10. Euphorbia viguieuri v. capuronii
11. Quiabentia verticillata
12. Astrophytum capricorne and myriostigma
13. Cyphostemma juttae
14. Cyphostemma cirrhosum
15. Pachypodium lamerei
16. Pachypodium saundersii
17. Pachypodium lamerei x rosulatum
18. Pachypodium rutenbergianum
19. Aztekium ritteri (grafted)
20. mammilaria sempervivi
21. Fouqueria burgerei (may be starting to go dormant)
22. Sedum frutescens
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Re: Should I protect a few of my plants from the rain?

Post by esp_imaging »

I would have thought many of the plants you list would be close to hardy - or even fully hardy- where you are, so would only need rain protection in the coldest few months of the year, if at all. I doubt if a bit of early October rain with lows even down to 50deg F would be a major challenge - this may actually be a good growing temperature range for many of the plants.

Dave's Garden has plant profiles giving lists of where the plants are reported to grow outside, most of the plants you list can be found there. For example, P. lamerei may well be fully hardy where you are:, but you may need to be a lot more careful (if not now, maybe from late November to early March or so) with your Dorstenias:

Of course, if you are worried about slow growing (e.g. Aztekium), expensive (e.g Aztekum, again) or perhaps slightly more tender plants (Dorstenia, Gerrardanthus), then you have nothing to lose by covering them.
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cacti and cacti not
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Re: Should I protect a few of my plants from the rain?

Post by cacti and cacti not »

Thanks! Pachypodium lamerei is in fact hardy here, but it is sensitive to excess moisture when dormant. It is still growing though, so rain shouldn't be a problem. I will protect my dorstenias and gerrardanthus with this information in mind, however, as well as my aztekium.
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Re: Should I protect a few of my plants from the rain?

Post by kuni1234567 »

I live the coast in Los Angeles and have many of your cactus growing outside in the ground or in pots without protection from the winter rain. I might protect some of the more sensitive plants from winter rain but that depends upon you. I know that there was three days of frost I think in 1990 that caused many plants to die. I would bring frost sensitive plants in my garage if that occurs again.
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