Growth Over Time - Mammillarea formosa

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Growth Over Time - Mammillarea formosa

Post by WayneByerly »

Sometimes the Forum software turns my pictures sideways. Sometimes it doesn't. And I can't figure out why or do anything to control it. Sorry people.
This Mammillaria formosa is relatively young for me. I've only had it since 2015.

This first picture was taken on 12/27/2015 with a quarter in the pot for scale. Since an American quarter is 23mm across, I can measure the cactus in the picture and do a little math to tell you that the cactus was 3 1/8th inches (just shy of 80mm) tall in December of 2015.
2015-12-27.jpg (123.56 KiB) Viewed 1297 times
Again, in December ... but a different year. Without a coin for scale, so I can't calculate a size. It flowered for the first time this year.
2016-12-11.jpg (92.42 KiB) Viewed 1297 times
And started doing a fair job at producing flowers in Apr of 2017. Again, no coin for scale.
2017-04-08.jpg (111.19 KiB) Viewed 1297 times
And by November, they were mostly gone.
2017-11-11.jpg (122.12 KiB) Viewed 1297 times
Except for the next picture here, these last five pictures were taken today.
It started flowering again in March.
2018-03-02.jpg (91.87 KiB) Viewed 1297 times
From the side. It's 6 1/8 in tall ... in MAY ... and the growing season has just gotten good and started.
2018-05-08 1.jpg
2018-05-08 1.jpg (106.37 KiB) Viewed 1297 times
From the top
2018-05-08 3.jpg
2018-05-08 3.jpg (112.58 KiB) Viewed 1297 times
And REALLY close to the top. You should be able to see the dish shape growth on the top.
2018-05-08 2.jpg
2018-05-08 2.jpg (99.36 KiB) Viewed 1297 times
And really close to the side to show spine structure (in case you couldn't see it in all of the other pictures).
2018-05-08 4.jpg
2018-05-08 4.jpg (119.52 KiB) Viewed 1297 times
Make the moral choice & always do what's right. Be a good example. Be part of the solution & make a contribution to society, or be part of the problem & end your life with nothing but regrets. Live a life you can be proud of! Zone 7a
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