Question 1-?

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Question 1-?

Post by Dmyerswny »

Thanks to TimN for supplying me seeds I'm getting ready to grow cacti from seed. How I do will surely rely solely on this site. I've read the articles and I'm almost ready to go. ( i've half-buttedly started 1 tray already) I want to use some tried and true methods but I'd also like to experiment a bit I'm going to try and use this thread for my questions.

Question 1- can I germinate cacti seeds using a paper towel if I keep it wet?

2. Do cacti first sprout water leaves Or something similar? Or do they start off as a little cacti bud?

3. How do my seedlings survive 100% humidity for so long?

4. When using the bag method do I need to be opening the bag often for circulation?
Thirsty for knowledge. Please water me more than your cactus!
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Post by phil_SK »

1. Yes but I really, really wouldn't. The root is very delicate and would benefit from being able to get into soil straight away.
2. They produce seed leaves, or cotyledons, if that's what you mean. For most globular cacti these are tiny, occasionally barely perceptible.
3. Not sure, but they do!
4. You'll need to introduce them to fresh, drier air eventually, but for many cacti this needn't be for many months. Some people keep the slower growing types sealed for well over a year. This only works if you manage to get conditions completely sterile - pot, soil, seed coating.
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Post by PapaBearJay »

I got a question about germination as well.

Should I shoak them for 24 hrs in water, like some plants are done to help take them out of hibernation or would I be set from the get go assuming my medium and conditions are perfect?
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Post by Dmyerswny »

I'm thinking you don't have to because they'll basically be soaked for 4 months
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Post by Sutremaine »

True, but they'll be more thoroughly and evenly soaked if they're put in water first.
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Post by PapaBearJay »

If I soak them in water first, is there cause for me to water the medium as well, because of the nutrients in the soil?

Or could I mix a very weak solution and have them soaked in that, then plant them afterwards?

Or is this a trial and error time?
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Post by DannabisAx »

If the seed is large, then soaking will probably speed up the process.

I've been sowing cactus seeds in moist soil, sealing them in a plastic baggie tent and setting them out in some sort of warming sun for several hours at least until the soil is warm.

I've been sprouting some cactus seeds these past two months and nearly everything I'm working with seems to come up for me between three days and two weeks after.

I've heard/read that full sun is bad for seedlings, but before they've sprouted, I find that getting the soil to a warm temperature once by using the sun seems to cause my seeds to germinate a week or two faster than sowing them and not giving them an initial sun bath.

I think sowing them, trying it and getting it going is key. Keeping them alive is probably the harder part.

good luck!!
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Post by TimN »

I dont' soak seeds (I mistakenly did on my first stab at seeds!). I just put them in pots, mist them so they're wet, and put on the the plastic top. I then set that on a heat pad under lights and wait!

After sprouting, I keep them constantly moist (but not 100% humidity like the early stages). I prefer to bottom water at this stage because it doesn't upset the little seedlings.

Once they get "kinda big" (usually have a few tubercles adn some spines), I put some top dressing on to support them and put them outside on a shady but bright shelf. Keep well watered.
Disclaimer: I'm in sunny Arizona, so any advice I give may not apply in your circumstances.

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Post by extinctearth »

Big seeds are definitely worth soaking, but the others will do just fine with moist medium.
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