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Echinocereus x roetteri

Common Name(s): Lloyd's Hedgehog Cactus
Synonym(s): Echinocereus lloydii
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Subfamily: Cactoideae
Tribe: Pachycereeae
Distribution: Mexico : New Mexico, Texas - United States (North America)
Habit: Cylindrical
Flower: Orange, Pink, Red, YellowEncounterability: Unusual in Collections
Species Notes: Natural hybrid of E. coccineus and E. dasyacanthus

Description from Cactaceae 3 p. 30 Britton & Rose(1920)
Stems in clusters of 6 or more, very stout, 20 to 25 cm high, 10 cm in diameter, bright green; ribs 11, about 3 cm apart, nearly stright; areoles 15 mm apart, rather large, circular, somewhat woolly when young; spines rather short, about 10 mm long, wine-colored, paler at base; radial spines 14; centrals 4 to 6, nearly porrect; flowers large, 8 cm long, reddish purple; areoles on the ovary bearing clusters of reddish spines, stigma-lobes numerous; perianth-segments narrowly obovate, obtuse or obtusish.
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Echinocereus x roetteri
E. x roetteri
Picture taken at: Habitat near Orogrande, New Mexico

Photographer: Peter Breslin

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